Obedience is the proof of belief. The evidence of my trust in God is my obedience to Him(John 11vs39,40 ).It is impossible to rightly claim faith or trust in God without obedience to Him.

God’s word is God’s work. Where His word is released His work is accomplished(Ezekiel 37vs1-10, psalm 107vs20). If we don’t rely absolutely on God’s word, we actually hinder His work(Mark 6vs1-6). God’s word demands unquestioning obedience from us.

When God commands or instructs, obedience is the only acceptable response(2 kings 5vs 10, .

Only God can fulfil His promises. Man cannot make happen what God has promised to do. Therefore never look to man for what only God can do. To do so would only lead to frustration. God’s word is God’s way. What His word announces, His power performs.

For every reason you have to be sad and depressed, you have more to be glad and thankful. Therefore rejoice.

Your provision for your God-given vision is in what you have, not what you don’t(Mark 6:38).

Put to use what you have from that will come what you need.

Our greatest posture of humility before God is our dependence on Him (1Peter 5:7). At no time are we truly humble before God as when we are dependent on Him.

The greatest demonstration of love for God is trust in Him, expressed by obedience.

Without God I cannot, without me God will not.

The genesis of failure is prayerlessness.

If do not want to die like the world, don’t live like the world.

Updated: March 29, 2020 — 8:24 am

The Author

Pastor Obinna Ihekaike

Any Question / Prayer request? comment below or send to [email protected]


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  1. Truly words of wisdom. Thanks for being a blessing.

    1. Thanks and God bless

  2. Thanks! It is an good site.

  3. Thanks a lot.

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