God never intended faith to be complex or complicated but simple and productive.  Go back to the simplicity of faith, which is childlike trust in God.

The altar upon which God commands that there should be a perpetual fire is symbolic of our hearts.

Prayer is the expression of faith in God through communication with Him.

When I believe and accept what God has done to reach me, I immediately reach Him.

You put God to work by acting on His word. To believe God’s word is to act on it. The undeniable proof that you believe God’s word is that you obey it. 

If your faith is not expressed in words and actions, it is dead.

It is only what is Spirit-led that will produce life. 

Satan cannot steal from you unless he can distract you.

When you depend on man for substance, sometimes those who are willing to give to you do not have it and those who have it are not willing to give to you, but God is always willing and able. Trust in Him alone.

If we have alternatives to God, our prayers will not be as passionate as they ought to be.

Whatever you do not enjoy that has been provided for you in Christ Jesus, becomes your own loss.

When God’s presence shows up, chains fall off.

You need to know what you are and have in Christ Jesus. Don’t enter heaven looking battered shattered and tired.

Just as the food you eat does not produce strength until it is assimilated, so also does the word of God not yield fruit in your life, until it produces light in your heart. Shalom. 

Updated: May 16, 2021 — 5:31 am

The Author

Pastor Obinna Ihekaike

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