What determines the course of your life is not what happens around you, but what happens within you. (Prov 4:23 NLT).

Just as the food you eat does not produce strength until it is assimilated, so also the word of God does not yield fruit until it produces light in your heart.

God is unlimited, but my consciousness and acknowledgement of His presence with me determines how much I can receive from Him.

Grace is the ability to produce extraordinary results while doing ordinary things.

Only a man who is willing to fail is ready to succeed.

Anxiety stifles creativity, but the joy of the Lord supplies the strength to draw from the wells of salvation (Neh 8:10; Isa 12:3).

God loves you enough to accept you the way you are, but loves you too much to leave you the way you are (Philip 1:6).

It is the person you agree with that you empower over your life.

If getting busy takes you away from fellowship with God, you are too busy.

Until the devil can distract you from focusing on Jesus, he cannot destroy you.

It is in your interest to lose what God has not given you.

A seed has the potential to become a forest if planted, watered and properly nurtured. Until you have sown, God does not have anything to increase (1Cor 3:6).

Where there is no word from God, there is no life.

God will sustain you at the height to which He has taken you.

Unless you have a goal, you will lack a sense of direction. Without a sense of direction and destination, activities and efforts are frustrating, not fulfilling. Shalom.

Updated: February 21, 2021 — 6:57 am

The Author

Pastor Obinna Ihekaike

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