God will not ask or require anything from you that He has not first given you.

At the core of who you are is how you think

Faith is not lazy but restful.

Change your attitude and then your altitude will change correspondingly.

If you want God to use you to change the world, then, let Him first change you.  

God’s promises must inspire faith in us, enough to act on them, before they can be fulfilled.

God wants to make us, not by our toiling but by our trusting in Him.

If you expect man to do for you something only God can do, you are bound to be disappointed. 

God honours faith because He authors it.

If you sow the seed of God’s Word in your heart, you will reap the fruit of God’s kingdom in your life.

Greatness is not the exclusive preserve of a select few, but a potentially available privilege of all.

You cannot sustain by fear what you got by faith.

Not to resist the devil is to assist him.

To accept God’s word is to be humble enough to agree with its verdict on any issue.

Pessimism and cynicism are more often than not the result of misdirected focus. What you focus on you attract.

Grace is the ability to produce extraordinary results while doing ordinary things.

Only a man who is willing to fail is ready to succeed.

Until faith is tested, it cannot be trusted. Shalom.

Updated: October 11, 2020 — 5:59 am

The Author

Pastor Obinna Ihekaike

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