The only true uniting factor the world will ever know is Jesus.

God’s channels of blessing and prosperity are not limited to one or two geographic zones, but are unlimited, encompassing the earth. People who look only in one direction for God’s blessing, put a limit, unfortunately, on how much of it they can receive.

The best way to have more of what you have is to use what you have.

A deep-rooted conviction will naturally guide the will even at a subconscious level.

The secret to rising above your fears and doubts is to act on God’s word immediately.

The extent to which I trust God’s love for me is the extent to which He will trust me with His power (Lk 4:1-14).

Whenever feelings and experiences are elevated above God’s word, defeat becomes inevitable.

Don’t just sit down and bemoan your circumstances, do what needs to be done to change them.

If you win the battle of the mind, you win the battle of life.

Our sacrifices do not impress God if they are not a demonstration of our trust in Him.

When we begin to demonstrate our trust in God by consistently taking our stand on His word, miracles become our frequent experience.

We are far better off when our lack of reliance on the HolySpirit exposes our impotence and helplessness, than when in spite of our blatant disregard for the HolySpirit, we still have a semblance of success and prosperity.

God keeps saying what He has said until it is either heeded or consistently ignored. The later response, however, leads to a dead end at best and to destruction at worst.

To trust in the Lord is to imagine and respond to reality as God’s word portrays it.

Grace is an unearned Divine empowerment to be, do and have what God wants.   

Updated: June 21, 2020 — 5:24 am

The Author

Pastor Obinna Ihekaike

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