Don’t let how you feel dictate how you live.

The value of an opportunity to a man or woman is reflected in his or her preparation for it.

You need to know God’s word, believe it, confess and act on it, in order to own and experience its reality.

Courage is not the absence of fright, but the continuation of effort in spite of it.

The mind can either be a tool for God or a tool for satan, depending on what occupies it (Rom 8:5).

Start where you are, but keep your destination in focus (Gen 13 :14-17). A journey of a thousand miles begins with a step.

You have to stand out to be outstanding, and no one stands out by accident. It takes a choice as well as a firm resolution to do so. Daniel and his companions had both.

The only reason satan can be found anywhere, under whatever guise, is to steal, kill and destroy (John 10 :10).

Whatever God has offered in His word is His will for anyone who is interested.

Grace is God’s provision at Christ’s expense, which can never be earned or deserved, but may be received freely and enjoyed by faith.

When and wherever faith connects with grace, salvation is the outcome (Eph 2:8). 

God works best when we are at rest (Ps 46:10).

The revelation of God’s Name is an expression of His intention or desire to manifest an aspect of His nature.

A revelation of God’s Name inspires trust in Him.


Updated: April 5, 2020 — 6:59 am

The Author

Pastor Obinna Ihekaike

Any Question / Prayer request? comment below or send to [email protected]


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  1. Hmmm. Learning to be at rest in the storm is a process which is successful when we know Him well. As a child trusts his father.
    Thanks a million

  2. You are welcome. Thanks for having read and God bless.

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