Follow what the Word says, and not what the world says.

When the printed or written word becomes the spoken word through the work of the Holy Spirit, then you have a valid basis of faith.

God wants to convince us of His goodness so as to inspire us to yield to His lordship.

Everything right a man does in the sight of God begins with his seeking God Himself. To do right in the sight of God is first and foremost to seek Him.

To think that you can never be deceived is to have been deceived already. And to think that you can never make a mistake is to have made a mistake already.

Revelation imparts the grace that produces the faith that leads to experience.

I can only know God in the glory of His majesty if I cease striving and yield to His Spirit.

The choices you make daily, have a cumulative effect. They either prepare you for your due time or distance you from it. Therefore, it is important that we pay attention to what we do daily.

Whatever dominates your consciousness determines your reality. Therefore, do not set your mind on whatever you do not want to become your reality.

Continue to affirm what you know is true of you in Christ, until you see it manifest in your experience. Shalom.

Updated: September 8, 2024 — 6:24 am

The Author

Pastor Obinna Ihekaike

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