Christianity is a relationship with God based on the finished work of Christ, by which the Holy Spirit expresses the life of Christ Jesus through a human being. Christianity is the life of Christ residing and expressing itself through a human personality.

We don’t fail by losing, we fail by giving up.

When we act on something we have come to know by divine revelation, we are exercising faith.

The way you see yourself, as it concerns your future, will determine the amount of preparation you will make towards it.

Your bravery means nothing to God, if it is not a product of your trust in His unfailing love.

The word of God carries the reality of God’s presence, power and precision.

It is the manifest presence of Jesus that makes the Church attractive.

The best preparation you can make for tomorrow is to do your best today.

Every idea from God is good, but not every good idea is from God.

God is within the reach of all who truly call to Him.

You need to be strong and courageous in order to possess your possessions.

God’s choice of an instrument for His noble use is based on His mercy and grace, and not on human qualification or merit. Shalom.

Updated: September 24, 2023 — 5:21 am

The Author

Pastor Obinna Ihekaike

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