The only way to have a good testimony is by faith (Heb 11:2).

Whenever we believe and act on the word of God, His power is activated on our behalf.

The only right way to approach God is on His own terms, which is “in him and through faith in him…” (Eph 3:12 NIV).

Our trust in God should never depend on how we feel, because we do not receive from Him based on how we feel, but on what He has promised.

Whatever dominates our thoughts will determine the direction of our lives; how we think determines how live.

Only by setting our minds on the things of God can we reveal Jesus to the world.

The harmony of prayer and the will of God is what determines the effectiveness of prayer.

It is only when we have rightly applied our knowledge that we can claim to have learnt something. It is simply not enough to know; knowledge must be used practically, if any meaningful or desirable outcome will follow.

The Church has been called to enforce Christ’s victory at Calvary over Satan. This is the only way to see the kingdom of God expand on earth.

Persistence out of rebellion and Persistence out of faithfulness are two different things. While the later demonstrates an unyielding faith in God’s will, the former is an unfortunate attempt to subject God to arm-twisting.

Whenever we focus on God (Isa 26:3), we demonstrate that we trust in Him, and the result is that He will keep us in perfect peace. Shalom.

Updated: February 12, 2023 — 5:11 am

The Author

Pastor Obinna Ihekaike

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