When God looks at me, He sees His righteousness or justice, because my sins were not just blotted away, but were born (with their attendant consequences) by Jesus, who became a sin offering for me. There was no way God could have shown me mercy, without violating the claims of divine justice, except by satisfying divine justice. That was exactly what He did by having sent Jesus to die, not just for me, but as me. Romans 3:23-26

The validation of your claim that Jesus is your Lord, is your obedience to Him. You cannot claim the Lordiship of Jesus over your life, if your obedience to Him is not up to date. Doing the things He says is what makes Him Lord of your life, and not your merely professing it. Therefore, it is futile to address Jesus as Lord of your life, while being disobedient to Him.

How we think of problems that confront us matters a lot. It largely determines  whether we can solve them. How you think about something determines how you feel about it, which, in turn, influences the decision you make about it. Internal changes are the surest and safest determinants of external changes. Microscopic, but sustained internal changes lead to significant outward changes. A person’s thought processes are the root cause of his or her external circumstances. True success is a function of personal growth which comes from inward transformation.

God gives a person revelation in order to produce an experience in his or her life, not for entertainment.

Faith is not as much my effort to believe God’s word, as it is His effort to convince me of the reality and effectiveness of His word.

Courage is one of the greatest components of leadership, because leadership requires it to take an unpopular path when necessary.

Once you overcome your handicap with God’s help, His power usually flows through you to help others with a similar problem.

Satan’s suggestions are usually not obvious, owing to his deceptive nature. For this reason, we need to be knowledgeable of our Bible and reliant on the Holy Spirit to detect his involvement.

Jesus appeared in human form to reveal God’s nature of love to mankind. The Bible says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (Jn 3:16). God’s love for humanity is immeasurable. Think about it, He gave His only begotten Son, just to demonstrate His love for us. You and I are privileged to be not just beneficiaries of God’s love, but also carriers of His love to mankind. The new nature we have received from God is a nature of love. Shalom. 

Updated: February 27, 2022 — 5:25 am

The Author

Pastor Obinna Ihekaike

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