God wants us to expect rewards from Him for the sacrifices we make in obedience to Him (Heb 11:6; 12:2).

Faith is a heartfelt conviction inspired by the Holy Spirit to produce a corresponding response, which may take a variety of forms.

The Church has been called to enforce Christ’s victory at Calvary over Satan. This is the only way to see the kingdom of God expand on earth.

Grace is intended to enable us do the will of God, and not to seek to frustrate it.

Faith believes and walks in the reality of what Jesus has already accomplished, irrespective of contradictory circumstances.

True worship is not as much the cause of revelation as it is the product of it. Therefore, God must reveal Himself to us, if we are to worship Him truly.

The test of a true word from God is the Christlikeness it produces in the life of its intended recipient.

Our consistent position before God should be one of submission, and our consistent attitude towards Satan should be one of resistance (James 4:7).

The anointing of the Holy Spirit is intended to convince people of the reality of Jesus in a way that is not possible without it.

To understand God’s will is central to the effective and efficient use of time (Eph 5:15-17). Shalom.

Updated: July 10, 2022 — 5:09 am

The Author

Pastor Obinna Ihekaike

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