The Easter period is an important time because of what it signifies. Easter is the commemoration of the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. It reminds us of the divine transaction that brought about redemption for humanity. One of the major symbols of this event is the empty tomb of Jesus Christ. Why is the empty tomb of Christ of such significance to us as Christians? It is because of what it symbolizes, which is that :
   Jesus was fully human, who had a flesh and blood body. Just as Jesus, while on earth, was God, He was equally man. Forever Jesus will remain both God and Man (1 Tim 2:5). Anyone who questions either the divinity or humanity of Jesus does not understand Christianity. Jesus is the Word who was with God and is God and has become flesh (John 1:1,14). By His incarnation, Jesus has become the perfect representation of God to man and of man to God.
   As a man, Jesus went through the natural processes of growth and experienced the common circumstances of daily human existence. The Bible records that He was born a baby, grew to be a boy and finally matured into manhood. In addition, He was a carpenter’s son, who later became a carpenter Himself. As human, He experienced the sinless infirmities of mankind, such as hunger, tiredness etc. This implies that Jesus understands your challenges as a human being.
   Jesus actually died and rose from the dead. He died literally, not figuratively or metaphorically.  The question the angels asked the women who had visited the tomb of Jesus Christ a few days after He was crucified, in the words, “Why do you seek the living among the dead?” confirms it. They were actually looking for the living among the dead. However, “the living” in this case was once “the dead”, hence, the angels added: “He is not here, but is risen!”, implying that He was once there (among the dead ), (Lk 24:5,6). Therefore, the empty tomb reveals that Jesus died and rose from the dead bodily, thereby conquering death and the grave. We can rest assured, then, that someday this corruptible body of ours will put on incorruption, and immortality (1Cor 15:54).
  The atoning sacrifice of Jesus for the sin of humanity was accepted by the Father. The cross is the symbol of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus. It reminds us of the claims of divine justice, which Jesus came to satisfy  by His substitutionary death. For His death to be considered a substitutionary one, Jesus had to have obeyed God on all counts; He had to have been tempted in all points, as we are, and yet be without sin (Heb 4:15). Until that was the case (thank God it was ), His death would not qualify as sacrificial on humanity’s behalf. The ultimate proof of the divine acceptance of His atoning sacrifice would be His resurrection from the dead. His empty tomb confirms and symbolizes that reality.
   In conclusion, since the empty tomb of Christ points to His resurrection from the dead, bodily, let us rejoice in this reality, knowing that because He lives, we can face tomorrow. Let us remember that, “He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again” (2Cor 5:15). Therefore, LIVE FOR HIM. Happy Easter. Shallom. 


Updated: April 12, 2020 — 6:06 am

The Author

Pastor Obinna Ihekaike

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