Home » Freshword Articles » Resist The Devil by : 5:23 am On August 15, 2021 With 0 Comments

    Having seen that the mind is the battlefield of our warfare with the devil, what then should our response be? The Bible gives us the answer : “Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.” (1Pet 5:9). We are to RESIST Satan and his demonic forces, STEADFAST IN THE FAITH. This resistance must, basically, involve shielding our minds from becoming the lodging for satanic ideas and suggestions. If we do not resist the devil, we assist him by default. 
    The word ‘resist’ in the scriptural text above is the English translation of the Greek word ‘athistemi’, which means : to stand against, that is, to oppose or withstand. The expression, “Resist him…” is a direct command (not a suggestion) from God for us to stand against, oppose and withstand Satan and his demonic forces, as they seek to invade our minds. To resist the devil goes beyond merely commanding him verbally to get out. It also, more importantly, involves having a change of mindset and behaviour with respect to his suggestions. This explains why any effort directed towards withstanding or opposing the devil that does not involve the mindset is, fundamentally, flawed and will, therefore, be ineffective. It is virtually useless to attempt to resist the devil by issuing commands to him, if we are in agreement with him in our thoughts, words and actions. Therefore, to resist the devil requires that we submit to God, thereby coming into a firm agreement of faith with Him.
    We must, then, proceed in this exercise with the following words of the Bible in mind : “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” (Rom 12:2 NLT). Why does the Bible say we should not copy the behavior and customs of this world? It is because they are steeped in satanic deception. Remember, the Bible says, “… the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.” (1Jn 4:19). This world’s system is deeply entangled in Satan’s Web of lies. To flood our minds with worldly customs and values must, therefore, be his primary offensive against us.  If we let ourselves be caught up in the ways of the world, the devil’s threefold mission will have been significantly achieved, since all his efforts on earth are geared to that end.
    To resist the devil requires  changing the way you think. Our dominant thoughts and imaginations determine our belief. Someone has rightly said that, “Once accepted, our beliefs become unquestioned commands to our nervous systems, and have the power to expand or destroy the possibilities of our present and future.” That is how important what we believe is. Whether your belief is true or false, it will affect you either for good or bad. Whomever you believe is the one you have given the right to influence and direct your life and circumstances. 1Peter 5:8 tells us that the reason for the enemy’s roar is that he is seeking whom he may devour. Satan and his cohorts are looking for people whom they may consume with sin, sicknesses, bondage, poverty, misfortune etc. However, they can succeed only if they have been able to build strongholds in the mind their potential victims.
    For this reason, we must heed the admonition of the Bible : “… but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think…” (Rom 12:2 NLT). How does this happen? It is by following the instruction God gave Joshua some millennia ago : “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” (Josh 1:8). The word of God is the solid foundation upon which we can effectively ward off demonic attacks. However, we need to digest and internalize it—which is what it means to meditate on the word of God. The more of God’s word we digest and internalise, the more equipped we are to put the forces of darkness to flight.
    Recall the phrase I emphasized in the first paragraph : STEADFAST IN THE FAITH. This expression conveys the idea of the necessity of tenacity and resilience in withstanding Satan and his hordes of demons. It is true that the Bible says our faith is the victory that has overcome the world(1Jn 5:4), but we need to know that for the victory of faith to become fully manifested, it must be steadfast : unyielding in its resolve to carry the day. Shalom.    

Updated: August 16, 2021 — 5:00 am

The Author

Pastor Obinna Ihekaike

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