God is not only concerned about the “what” of an assignment, but also about the “how”, “when” and “where”. Moses knew the “what” of his assignment, but missed the others, especially, the “how”. When God tells us what to do, He also tells us how to do it. Though God had called Moses to lead Israel out of Egypt, He never intended that Moses would accomplish it by human strength and wisdom. God always has a plan of how He wants to accomplish His purposes. He is the only one who can provide the resources required to do His will on earth as it is in heaven. Therefore, it is not enough to know what God wants you to do, it is equally important for you to know how He wants you to do it. Moses learnt this lesson the hard way.
    The failure Moses had experienced was heartrending, and marked the beginning of his fall from royalty. He ran to Midian for dear life. It must have occurred to him, while sitting by a well there, that his misstep had just cost him a way of life to which he was accustomed, and reduced him to a  commoner, with neither a job nor a shelter. He must have wondered if the call he had felt, to deliver Israel, was valid. Remember, those who rejected him were the same people he had wanted to help; their plight weighed heavily on his heart. No matter how noble our intentions are, if God has not opened the door of acceptance for us towards those to whom we feel called, our best efforts will be rejected. Oh! The limitations of human strength!
    It is heartening that God is omniscient, and as such, has our whole lives, from cradle to the grave, in equal focus. Many centuries ago, God encouraged Moses’ successor, Joshua, with the following words : “No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you.” (Josh 1:5). God was with Moses even before he became aware of himself. Who ensured that Moses was spared from death, both by Pharaoh’s tyrannical order and hungry crocodiles at the Nile? God did. Who saw to it that Pharaoh’s daughter ‘accidentally’ found Moses, felt pity for him and adopted him? God did. The list goes on. Apparently, God wanted Joshua, and by extension, you and me to know that His interest and oversight of us spans our lifetime. The point is that, nothing about you escapes God’s notice; and there is nothing you have done, or can do to surprise Him. Hence, He knew Moses was going to make the mistake he had made.
    An error in judgement, such as Moses made, reveals a common fundamental flaw in human character : the tendency to exaggerate human ability. The moment you think you can either initiate or sustain God’s programme in your strength, you have fallen for this age-old deception. Remember how Satan enticed Eve to act independently of God, so as to become like God (Gen 3:1-6). He unsuccessfully tried a similar line with Jesus (Matt 4:3). Note that Jesus relied on Scripture, as revealed by the HolySpirit, to  ward off Satan’s lies.  It is foolish and futile to try to match wits with the devil. All who have attempted it, have had a sad tale to tell. Samson’s ungodly relationship with Delilah is a case in point. God had anointed Samson with the Spirit of might, to enable him deliver Israel from the oppressive rule of the Philistines. However, Samson played into the hands of the enemy, when he decided to rely on human strength in the form of craftiness. He kept on lying to Delilah, thinking he was deceiving her, failing to realise he was deceiving himself, until it was too late.  “… by strength no man shall prevail.” (1Sam 2:9). Shalom.

Updated: February 13, 2022 — 5:32 am

The Author

Pastor Obinna Ihekaike

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