Home » Freshword Articles » Let Go Of The Past by : 6:49 am On December 17, 2023 With 0 Comments

There is neither life nor future in dwelling on the past. Learn whatever you can from your past that will help you, but do not drag it along with you. The past is one of the weights you need to lay aside, if you want to run your divinely-appointed race acceptably and finish satisfactorily (Heb 12:1).
Dwelling on the past is akin to flogging a dead horse. It does no good. Nothing stifles creativity and kills initiative like the memories of past failures that loom large on the mental horizon and influence decisions negatively.
To go forward in life, you must put the past behind you. This will require an unyielding resolve, because negative retrospection is usually the default mode of the human mind. That was why each time the Israelites, under Moses’ leadership, encountered a difficult situation, they remembered Egypt. If we do not make a point of reining in our minds, they will drift towards the negative past.
If you want God to use you for His glory, then you need to humble yourself under His mighty hand by letting go of your past and entrusting your future in His care. If you yield to the inevitable temptation to focus on the ugly past, you will not live the victorious life of faith to which you have been called. Whenever you shift your focus from Jesus to something else, you stop making spiritual progress. Therefore, draw inspiration from your successes and lessons from your failures, BUT KEEP GOING FORWARD. Shalom.

Updated: December 17, 2023 — 6:49 am

The Author

Pastor Obinna Ihekaike

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