Circumstances surrounding ones birth, family, upbringing etc can sometimes constitute a major hindrance in the person’s life. Such was the case of Jabez, as recorded in the Bible (1Chronicles 4:9,10). “Now Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, “Because I bore [him] in pain.” “(1Ch 4:9). The eulogy of the later state of Jabez’s life became the opening lines of his introduction to posterity. The last, truly, shall be first. How did he experience such a enviable twist of fate? And what lessons can we learn from his experience? The answers are in the following paragraphs.
     In order to understand the magnitude of the miracle as well as the resultant transformation that took place in Jabez’s life, we need to investigate the circumstances of his life prior to his glorious transformation. His mother had named him “Jabez”, which means: “he will cause pain”. She did that only because she had suffered some pain while being delivered of him. His mother by that act had put a curse on him. Jabez, therefore, became a source of pain, not only to himself, but also to those with whom he had contact. That was in spite of his being a descendant of Judah (praise ). His life, instead of being praiseworthy, was full of grief and sorrow. The ordeal Jabez had suffered is better imagined than experienced.
    However, his story does not end there. Neither should yours, in case you are  in a similar situation. No situation, no matter how difficult, is irredeemable to God. One of satan’s age-old tactics is to deceive people into believing that their  problems are so unique as to warrant to be considered an exception to what God can solve. Never believe this lie. That was the mistake Elijah made when he believed he was the only prophet of God who had not recanted his faith. Though God tried to correct his wrong impression, Elijah would not pay attention. Therefore, his fixation on the wrong belief cost him his ministry. It is dangerous to believe wrongly.
    Between living a life full of pain and eventually being more honourable than his brothers, Jabez took certain steps which made the transition possible. You will be well advised to follow suit.
    Firstly, Jabez became desperate and dissatisfied with his situation. His life had been horrible. He was just tired of going in circles—from one painful and sorrowful experience to another. He must have been tired of losing friends and associates. He must have become weary of a life that ridiculed his ancestry (Judah). Until your subnormal condition becomes abnormal to you, you will not be desperate and dissatisfied enough to take the necessary actions to change.
    Secondly, Jabez realized and acknowledged the impotence of human might or power to change his situation. Apparently, he had made a lot of effort to solve the problem—since no rational human being would be complacent in such a condition, unless of course he or she has become disillusioned after several attempts with no success. By and large, Jabez was not about to depend on the arm of flesh any more for the achievement of the much needed breakthrough (Rom 9:16).
    Therefore, to demonstrate his disillusionment with human methods and strength, Jabez searched the Scriptures, as his next course of action. This is usually done as a final recourse, though God expects us to turn to Him first. Nevertheless, it is better late than never. Well, you may wonder I believe  Jabez had searched the Scriptures. To answer your question, let us refer to  the first sentence of verse 10, which is: “And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, ….”.  Who was “the God of Israel” that Jabez had called on?  And how did he know to call on “the God of Israel”? It is important to remember that Jabez was not contemporaneous with Jacob (who later became Israel ). They had lived centuries apart. As such, then, the only way he could have known about Jacob and his miraculous transformation to Israel, was either by having heard or read of it, as recorded in Scripture.
    The Bible tells us to seek and that we will find (Matt 7:7). This is because God does not hide things from us but for us. “And you will seek Me and find [Me,] when you search for Me with all your heart”(Jer 29:13). The words of the  Scripture reference above became Jabez’s experience. He received a revelation of “the God of Israel”, ie the God who had delivered Jacob from a similar situation, after wrestling with him (Gen 32:22). He realized that the God of Israel could also become the God of Jabez, if only he (Jabez ) would trust in Him. That was a powerful revelation to Jabez. Revelation makes God’s word a reality to you, and emboldens you thereby. No wonder Paul prayed for the Ephesian church,”….that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called—his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance” (Eph 1:18 NLT ).
    Armed with the light of revelation knowledge, Jabez was then ready to pray effectively. Our prayers would be more effective and efficient, if we offered them by faith, based on revelation knowledge. Expectedly, the reality of the God of Israel he had received, enabled him to: pray with a passion, pray specifically (with a definite object of desire in mind), pray in faith, and finally pray with perseverance—all indispensable elements of an effective prayer.
    In conclusion, the Bible says, “….So God granted him what he requested”(1Chr 4:10). Hence, his exaltation to a place of honour.  From the foregoing, we have seen that though, like Jabez, we may not be directly responsible for our ugly circumstances, it will be our fault if we remain in it, knowing that, there is a way out by God’s grace.  Arise therefore and shine. Do not allow what others do or have done keep you from reaching the height God has destined you for. Shalom.    

Updated: June 14, 2020 — 5:44 am

The Author

Pastor Obinna Ihekaike

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