So he, leaping up, stood and walked and entered the temple with them—walking, leaping, and praising God. (Acts 3:8).

    The scriptural text above describes the miraculous experience of a man, whose case had lingered for as long as he had lived. For a wider context, kindly read Acts 3:1-9. Lame in both feet, he had to be carried to the front of the gate of the temple, which was called ‘Beautiful’. What a terrible state of affairs—to have an ugly condition right in front of the beautiful gate! People walked past him every day, as they went to the temple to worship. For the lame man, however, his place seemed to have been permanently outside the precincts of the temple. Though unable to change it, he must have been consciously or subliminally dissatisfied with the status quo (no mentally sound human is at home with misfortune).
    It has been said that, if the desirable is not available the available becomes the desirable. Well, since he was incapable of walking with other people into the temple, he could at least beg for alms from them— he intended to make the most of his unfortunate situation. After so many years of being carried around, only hope could have kept him going, until that fateful day when he encountered God’s power through Apostles Peter and John. You may be in an identical ordeal. Do not despair, God is watching you. Observers of the man’s misfortune may have concluded that it would last his lifetime. The lame man, himself, may have felt the same way, but God had a different plan. Do not become disillusioned and therefore settle for less because of a long wait for change. God has a plan for you.  
    As in the lame man’s case, God will, usually, use someone of His own choice to help you. Peter and John were the human instruments God used to help the lame man.  We should, however, not regard human beings as our source. It is God alone that should occupy that place in our lives, for the Scripture says of Him, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” (James 1:17). It is heartening to know, or even to  remember that God—our source–is without variation. He is unchanging. Therefore we can rely on Him anytime and anywhere. God’s choice of a human vessel for your deliverance may not even be aware that he or she will be used as such. Peter and John did not set out to the temple that morning with the intention to heal the lame man on their way. At just the right moment, God prompted them to perform the miracle.
    The day on which God chooses to revolutionise our lives usually begins like every other day—uneventful, and sometimes even depressing. However, such a day ends on a high note. The lame man had woken that morning to the usual prospect of  monotonous sameness. God, however, had a different plan for him. What a merciful God He is! Never underestimate the potential of a seemingly ordinary day to usher events of inestimable worth into your life. God has a timetable for everything He does. Mind you, His schedule does not often coincide with man’s. That was the case of the lame man. He had woken up that morning lame as always, but before the day was over, he could stand, walk and leap. Praise God! It must have seemed like a dream to him.
    It is like God to transform a seemingly usual meeting into a Divine appointment. The Bible’s phraseology in  Acts 3:1, suggests that the Apostles’ visit to the temple at the hour of prayer was a routine: “Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour.”  Even a routine act, such as the lame man’s asking for alms, became an unwitting  invitation for God’s intervention. I believe the man had asked alms of Peter and John on several previous occasions as they went to the temple. However, on that momentous day, routine activities led to the manifestation of the supernatural. The miracle that awaits you will bear no less a Divine signature. Shalom.

Updated: October 10, 2021 — 9:46 am

The Author

Pastor Obinna Ihekaike

Any Question / Prayer request? comment below or send to [email protected]


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  1. Wow! This is apt. I am so blessed. A timely message. God bless you sir.

  2. God bless you sir,tank for the enriching word of God.

    1. Amen! Thanks.

  3. Thank you for the message. God bless you sir

    1. Thanks and God bless you too.

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