The power of God’s word can only be experienced when it is activated. To activate God’s word requires taking some steps. These steps are to: understand it, accept it, keep or retain it, and of course to persevere with it. The steps outlined above, are taken from the Biblical account in the synoptic gospels concerning the explanation of the parable of the sower, as it relates to the seed that was sown in the good ground. As mentioned above the first step is to :
UNDERSTAND GOD’S WORD : the good ground of the parable, as told by Matthew, represents the noble heart which received the word of God, understood it and produced a crop (Matt 13vs23). To understand God’s word in this context is to comprehend exactly what God is saying to you. Then to: ACCEPT GOD’S WORD : according to Mark’s rendition of the parable in question, the seed that was sown in the good ground, represents those who accept God’s word when they hear it. For the word of God to bear fruit in your life, you need to accept it as the truth and not argue with it. The book of James chapter 1vs23 likens God’s word to a mirror. This, invariably, implies that, like a mirror in good condition, God’s word clearly reflects our true condition. It is at this point that we are left with the choice as to accept or reject God’s perspective on our situation. If we accept, then we can take the next step, which is to:
KEEP OR RETAIN GOD’S WORD: as the subsequent logical step, to keep or retain God’s word is to use it. You are probably wondering what this means. It means acting on the word of God you have heard. This perspective on the interpretation of the parable of the seed that was sown in the good ground is according to St Luke’s gospel account chapter 8vs15. To accent to God’s word mentally, without obeying it, will be unproductive. It is not how much of His word we know that impresses God, but how much of it we obey. The maxim: use it or loose it fits in with this principle as well. If God’s word is to be effective, it must be acted on. There is no other way. Acting on God’s word, however, must be a consistent activity, thereby leading to the next step which is to:
PERSEVERE WITH THE WORD OF GOD : this is to hold on to God’s word beyond the point of opposition, discouragement and failure, until it bears fruit in your life. Shalom.

Updated: December 20, 2020 — 5:55 am

The Author

Pastor Obinna Ihekaike

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