Every christian has the seed of greatness but not every christian will have the fruit of greatness. Until you nuture the seed of greatness in you, it will not grow and produce fruit.

Once God has forgiven, He has forgotten.

Fear attracts adversity. Faith attracts prosperity.

Yielding to fear perpetuates the condition that fosters and undergirds it.

No matter how valid your calling is, unless you keep your eyes on the caller, your progress will be arrested.

Every call that is from God leads to Jesus. If you sense a call that leads you away from Jesus, it does not originate from God.

You must act on revelation from God before His power will be activated to produce manifestation.

Whenever we resort to might and power to the neglect of the HolySpirit, we lose grace.

Jesus is the rallying point of every divinely-initiated activity.

If you have a clear focus of the vision, it will enable you sustain the passion through the difficulties.

The clearer the vision the more powerful the drive for achieving it. 

Fear is magnet for demons. Nothing attracts demons like the presence of fear in a person’s life.

As long as our attention is on Jesus, we will never sink.

A revelation is a sudden or gradual realization of a reality, that comes from the  HolySpirit. Shalom.

Updated: December 14, 2020 — 12:54 pm

The Author

Pastor Obinna Ihekaike

Any Question / Prayer request? comment below or send to [email protected]


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  1. Thank you pastor for these insightful words. It’s really soul nourishing. God bless you. Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks a lot.

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