There are a number of lessons we can learn from the account of the woman who had the issue of blood in the Bible. The happy ending of her story ,would not have been possible, if she had not taken certain definit steps. These we shall consider carefully. However, first of all, we shall take a look at the nature of her condition and its implications for her in the cultural and religious context within which she lived. 

She had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. This implies that her life was gradually ebbing away  (lev 17vs11). The condition had mastered her ,so that she was firmly in its grip. In this condition, not only had she experienced physical discomfort, pain and exhaustion, she must have gone through a series of psychological ordeal. She lived in a society whose  religious and cultural attitudes towards people with her kind of infirmity were  hostile. People with her  case were considered defiled and as such ostracised. Therefore, she suffered rejection. The physical and psychological torments she went through are  better imagined.

In her quest for a remedy for her situation, she visited many doctors, whose concerted efforts to cure her proved unsuccessful. This must have added to her agony. However, her persistence eventually paid off.

“She heard about Jesus”. This was the first definit step she took towards her recovery. “Hear”, as used in this passage, does not simply mean the allowance or assimilation of information through the ears, as in mere auditory perception, but involves(as the meaning of the word in Greek suggests), paying attention, understanding and obeying. In other words, the woman’s hearing about Jesus was not passive. Rather, she paid careful attention to what she heard or had heard until she had a revelatory understanding of its relevance and application to her situation. Armed with this revelation knowledge of Jesus, she was then ready for the next step, which was that :
“She came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment”. For the revelation she had received to become a manifested reality, she had to follow through with obedience. Like the woman in question, any time we receive revelation knowledge on any issue, an option of obedience is placed before us as our responsibility. Whether we obey or not is left to us. Thank God for this woman. She quickly took advantage of the light she had received by acting on it immediately, in spite of the enormous physical, religious, social and cultural odds against her. Though this was the penultimate step to her instant cure, it however, was sustained by an intermediate step or course of action taken between it and the first considered. The step is that :
‘She said, “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well “. This is in verse 28. This step actually constitutes the bridge between the first and second steps the woman took. The statement, “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well “, is the simple articulation of the nature and application of her revelation from God. It was meditating on and confessing this revelation that sustained her through the tremendous difficulties she  encountered in the crowd before reaching and touching Jesus. As the fervency of the revelation she had  received increased in her heart through focused meditation, and found consistent expression in her voice, nothing and I mean absolutely nothing could stop her from reaching her goal. Just like this woman, we must meditate diligently on the revelations we receive from God and make them our confession, if we expect to see fruit.

The Bible describes God as a rewarder, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him”(Heb 11vs6). God is forever faithful and never ever fails to keep His own side of a bargain. In keeping with His nature, God rewarded the woman with perfect healing(Mark 5vs29). 


The Author

Pastor Obinna Ihekaike

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