An important lesson that the parable of the ten virgins teaches, is the necessity of adequate preparation as an integral component of wisdom. The man or woman who wants to succeed, must prepare ahead of the arrival of the anticipated opportunity for success. Proper and adequate preparation is what brings us to the point of readiness for divine opportunities.  This is the reason why adequate preparation or the lack thereof, was what made the difference between the five wise virgins and their foolish counterparts (Matt 25: 1-13).
   Preparation, which by definition, is the act or process of getting ready for something or making someone or something ready, plays a very important role in life. It has rightly been said that, “success happens when opportunity meets preparation”. Someone has defined success as: “the inevitable result of a prescribed way of thinking and acting”. We can say, therefore, that no one arrives at true success accidentally, but by deliberate preparatory efforts.
   The parable of the ten virgins illustrates, vividly, the saying that, “to fail to plan is to plan to fail”. Remember that they were all virgins and also had an  equal opportunity to meet the bridegroom(vs1). The only thing the Bible points to, as the difference between the first and second groups of virgins, was their wisdom or lack thereof. God is not a respecter of persons, as the Bible says, but accepts whoever fears Him, irrespective of his or her nationality (Acts 10:  34). It is interesting that the Bible says that the fear of the  Lord is the beginning of wisdom. It must mean then that the five wise virgins feared God. That is, they held God in reverence and as such placed much value on the privilege and opportunity He had provided for them to meet the bridegroom. Hence they prepared adequately. The level of preparation you make for an opportunity you expect, demonstrates your value for it. Below are three main negative attitudes, which the foolish virgins displayed to their own hurt, and which it behooves us to avoid. 
   First among them is carelessness. This means that the five foolish virgins did not pay enough  attention to detail, as far as what was required for success, was concerned. They should have envisaged the possibility of a delay in the coming of the bridegroom. Like the virgins in question, we too can become careless with our lives. The Bible clearly says we should be careful how we live  – not as unwise but as wise (Eph 5: 15 NIV ). Therefore, it is imperative that we give thought to the things that are necessary for us to be ready to sieze opportunities God brings our way.
   Presumption was their second mistake. The foolish virgins some how felt that, in the event of a shortage, they could borrow some oil from their colleagues. What a presumptuous expectation! It was too late when they discovered to their chagrin that, they could not share the wise virgins’ oil with them. Though their plea was touching – give us some of your oil our lamps are going out – the wise virgins could not help them. An important lesson we should learn from this is that we should not hope that other people’s preparation will make us ready for success, when opportunity calls.
   Lastly, laziness played a key role in the failure of the foolish virgins. They were content to fantasize about the glamour of meeting with the bridegroom, without getting themselves ready for the rare opportunity. “Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth”, the Bible says (Prov 10: 4).
   On a final note, a wise person has been quoted as saying that, “The will to win is worthless if you do not have the will to prepare”. Therefore, we should take our moments of preparation in life seriously, remembering that though many are called, only few are chosen (Matt 22: 14). Decide, therefore, to be among the chosen. Shallom.

Updated: March 30, 2020 — 12:43 pm

The Author

Pastor Obinna Ihekaike

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  1. God bless you pastor .

  2. Amen and remain blessed

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